VSOA : Vehicle SOA


VSOA : Vehicle SOA

VSOA is the abbreviation of Vehicle SOA presented by ACOINFO, VSOA provides a reliable, Real-Time SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) framework, this framework has multi-language and multi-environment implementation, developers can use this framework to build a distributed service model.

VSOA includes the following features:

  1. Support resource tagging of unified URL
  2. Support URL matching subscribe and publish model
  3. Support Real-Time Remote Procedure Call
  4. Support parallel multiple command sequences
  5. Support reliable and unreliable data publishing and datagram
  6. Support multi-channel full-duplex high speed parallel data stream
  7. Support network QoS control
  8. Easily implement server fault-tolerant design
  9. Supports multiple language bindings

VSOA is a dual-channel communication protocol, using both TCP and UDP, among which the API marked with quick uses the UDP channel. The quick channel is used for high-frequency data update channels. Due to the high data update frequency, the requirements for communication reliability are not strict. It should be noted that UDP channel cannot pass through NAT network, so please do not use quick channel in NAT network.

The total url and payload length of the VSOA data packet cannot exceed 256KBytes - 20Bytes and 65507Bytes - 20Bytes on quick channel, so if you need to send a large amount of data, you can use the VSOA data stream.

User can use the following code to import the vsoa module.

var vsoa = require('vsoa');


The following shows vsoa module APIs available for each permissions.

 User ModePrivilege Mode

VSOA Server Class

new vsoa.Server(opt)

  • opt {Object} Server configuration.
  • Returns: {Object} VSOA server object.

To create a VSOA server, opt must contain the following members:

  • info {Object} Server information description.
    • name {String} Server name.

If the server requires a connection password, opt needs to contain the following members:

  • passwd {String} Connection password. Optional.

If the server does not need to automatically parse the JSON in the payload, you can set the following options:

  • rawParam {Boolean} Whether to automatically parse the JSON in the payload. Only valid for RPC, PUBLISH and DATAGRAM packet. default: false.


var server = new vsoa.Server({ info: { name: 'Test server' } });

VSOA Server Object

The VSOA server object inherits from EventEmitter, and the on() method can be used to add processing callbacks for different services.


  • removeListeners {Boolean} Remove all listeners default: false

Close VSOA server.

server.start(saddr[, tlsOpt])

  • saddr {Object} Server socket address.
  • tlsOpt {Object} TLS security configuration. Optional.

saddr is the server address, it needs to contain the following members:

  • domain {Integer} Address domain. Refer to tcp or socket module.
  • addr {String} IP address.
  • port {Integer} TCP port.
  • dev {String} The name of the network inteface bound to the socket. Optional.
  • backlog {Integer} TCP server backlog. Optional.

Start the server, if the startup fails, an exception will be thrown. If the server is a secure connection server, you need to set the tlsOpt parameter, please refer to the tls module description.


var Tcp = require('tcp');
// Start server
server.start(Tcp.sockaddr(Tcp.INADDR_ANY, 3000));

If the port bound at start is 0, the system will automatically assign a port. At this time, the VSOA server TCP and UDP ports are different, and the client needs to use version 1.0.1 or later to support.


  • link {Boolean} Those without successful password verification will also be counted.
  • Returns: {Integer} Current clients count.

Get the number of connected clients.


  • Returns: {Object} Server address.

Get the current server TCP / TLS address, the return type is socket address.


  • {Function}

This function will be called when a client is connected or disconnected. The arguments of this callback function are as follows:

  • cli {Object} Remote client.
  • connect {Boolean} Connect or disconnect.


var server = new vsoa.Server(...);

server.onclient = function(cli, connect) {
  if (connect) {
    console.log('New client connected!', cli.address().addr);
  } else {
    console.log('Client lost!', cli.address().addr);


  • {Function}

This callback is called when the server receives a DATAGRAM type packet. The arguments of this callback function are as follows:

  • cli {Object} Remote client.
  • url {String} This datagram URL.
  • payload {Object} This datagram payload data.
  • quick {Boolean} Whether this datagram comes from the quick channel.

The payload is the datagram payload, and the payload contains the following members:

  • param {Object | String} Parameters of this datagram. Optional.
  • data {Buffer} Data for this datagram. Optional.


var server = new vsoa.Server(...);

server.ondata = function(cli, url, payload) {
  console.log(url, JSON.stringify(payload.param));

server.publish(url[, payload][, quick])

  • url {String} This event URL.
  • payload {Object} This message payload data.
  • quick {Boolean} Whether to use the quick publish channel. default: false.

Publish a message, all clients subscribed to this URL will receive this message. If a large number of high-frequency releases are required and delivery is not guaranteed, the quick parameter can be set to true.

The payload contains the following members:

  • param {Object | String} Parameters of this RPC request. Optional.
  • data {Buffer} Data for this publish. Optional.
  • offset {Integer} If data exists, this member indicates the offset of data. Optional.
  • length {Integer} If data exists, this member indicates the length of data. Optional.

URL matching: URL uses '/' as a separator, for example: '/a/b/c', if the client subscribes to '/a/', the server publish '/a', '/a/b' or '/a/b/c' message, the client will be received.


var server = new vsoa.Server(...);

server.publish('/a/b/c', { param: { hello: 'hello' } });
server.publish('/a/b/c', { param: { hello: 'hello' }, data: new Buffer([1, 2, 3]) });

If a large number of high-frequency publish are required and delivery is not guaranteed, quick publish can be used. But the quick type publish cannot traverse a NAT network, so the quick publish interface is not allowed in a NAT network. quick publish uses a different channel than publish, quick publish does not guarantee the order of arrival.


  • url {String} URL.
  • Returns: {Boolean} Whether the specified URL is subscribed by clients.

Whether the specified URL is subscribed. When the return value is true, it means that the specified URL is subscribed by at least one client.

server.syncer(cli, request, payload, target[, setter])

  • cli {Object} Remote client object.
  • request {Object} Remote RPC request.
    • url {String} Request URL.
    • seqno {Integer} Command sequence number.
    • method {Integer} Operation method.
  • payload {Object} Request payload.
  • target {Object} The target object that needs data synchronization.
  • setter {Function} Do parameter checking and set target's callback function.
    • param {Object} Request payload.param.
    • payload {Object} Request payload.
    • Returns: {Integer} Returns 0 for successful settings, other values represent errors.

This function helps VSOA server to synchronize data and reduce data synchronization code. If request method is get, this function will automatically reply to the RPC request. If request method is set, this function will check whether the setter is valid. If the setter is valid, the setter is responsible for updating the target, and if the setter is invalid, it will be updated directly with payload.param target, this function will automatically reply to the RPC remote client and generate the corresponding publish operation.

The payload is the RPC request payload, and the payload contains the following members:

  • param {Object | String} Parameters of this RPC request. Optional.
  • data {Buffer} Data for this RPC request. Optional.


var server = new vsoa.Server(...);
var data = { foo: 0 };

server.on('/foo', function(cli, request, payload) {
  server.syncer(cli, request, payload, data, param => {
    if (typeof param.foo === 'number') {
      data.foo = param.foo;
      return vsoa.code.SUCCESS;
    } else {
      return vsoa.code.ARGUMENTS;

server.sendTimeout(timeout[, curclis])

  • timeout {Integer} Send timeout.
  • curclis {Boolean} Whether to set the currently connected client at the same time.

When the server is created, it will use the default send timeout (100 ms), this function is used to modify this setting, all clients will use this setting by default.


  • {Boolean}

Get whether the current server is working.


  • timeout {Integer} Timeout time for waiting for client stream connection, default: 10000ms.
  • Returns: {Stream.Duplex} Duplex stream.

Create a stream to wait for the client stream to connect, this object has inherited from Stream.Duplex, you can refer to the Stream related documents for operation.

The members of this stream object extending Stream.Duplex object are as follows:

  • close {Function} Close this stream.
  • tunid {Integer} This stream tunnel id, The client stream can connect to this server stream through this tunid.

In addition to the events defined by the standard Stream.Duplex, this object also generates the following additional events:

  • 'timeout' When the server stream does not receive the client stream connection request within the specified timeout period, the 'timeout' event will be generated at this time, and the stream will be automatically closed at the same time.
  • 'connect' This event is generated when the client stream successfully connects with the current stream.


var server = new vsoa.Server(...);
var buffer = new Buffer([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]);

server.on('/a/b/c', function(cli, request, payload) {
  var stream = server.createStream();
  cli.reply(0, request.seqno, stream.tunid);

  stream.on('connect', () => {

  stream.on('timeout', () => {
    console.log('No client connect stream!');

VSOA Server Events

The VSOA server object inherits from EventEmitter, and the on() method can be used to add processing callbacks for different services.

Client Command URL

  • cli {Object} Remote client.
  • request {Object} Remote client request.
    • url {String} Request URL.
    • seqno {Integer} Command sequence number.
    • method {Integer} Operation method.
  • payload {Object} Command payload. Optional.
    • param {Object | String} Payload parameter. Optional.
    • data {Buffer} Payload data. Optional.

When a remote client generates an RPC request, the server will receive the corresponding request event, usually the event name is the requested URL matched.

Possible values of method include vsoa.method.GET (0) and vsoa.method.SET (1).

The server can reply to RPC calls through the cli.reply function.


var server = new vsoa.Server(...);

// Echo payload
server.on('/echo', function(cli, request, payload) {
  cli.reply(0, request.seqno, payload);

// Strictly match '/a/b/c' path
server.on('/a/b/c', function(cli, request, payload) {
  cli.reply(0, request.seqno, payload);

// Match '/a/b/c' and '/a/b/c/...'
server.on('/a/b/c/', function(cli, request, payload) {
  cli.reply(0, request.seqno, payload);

// Default match
server.on('/', function(cli, request, payload) {
  cli.reply(0, request.seqno, payload);

// Delay echo
server.on('/delayecho', function(cli, request, payload) {
  setTimeout(function() {
    cli.reply(0, request.seqno, payload);
  }, 1000);

RPC URL match rules

PATHRPC match rules
"/"Default URL listener.
"/a/b/c"Only handle "/a/b/c" path call.
"/a/b/c/"Handle "/a/b/c" and "/a/b/c/..." all path calls.

VSOA Remote Client Object


  • {Boolean}

Whether the client is authorized. When a client connects to the server and has passed the password verification, cli.authed is true. At this time, the client can receive the publish message. If the server wants to perform independent client authorization , you can set cli.authed to false in the onclient callback, then the client cannot receive the publish message until the client passes the independent authorization program designed by the server.


var server = new vsoa.Server(...);

server.onclient = function(cli, connect) {
  if (connect) {
    cli.authed = false; // We need independent authorization.

server.on('/auth', function(cli, request, payload) {
  if (payload && /* Independent Authorization Verify */) {
    cli.authed = true;
    /* The authorization verification is successful, 
     * and the server's publish information can be received */
    cli.reply(0, request.seqno);
	} else {
    cli.reply(AUTH_ERROR_CODE, request.seqno);

This feature is available in VSOA 1.0.7 and above.


Close this remote client connection.


  • Returns: {Object} Remote client address.

Get this remote client address, the return type is socket address.


  • url {String} URL.
  • Returns: {Boolean} Whether the specified URL is subscribed by this client.

Whether the specified URL is subscribed.

cli.reply(code, seqno[, payload][, tunid])

  • code {Integer} Return status code.
  • seqno {Integer} Command sequence number.
  • payload {Object} This reply payload data.
    • param {Object | String} Parameters of this message. Optional.
    • data {Buffer} Data for this message. Optional.
    • offset {Integer} If data exists, this member indicates the offset of data. Optional.
    • length {Integer} If data exists, this member indicates the length of data. Optional.
  • tunid {Integer} Server tunnel stream id.

Server RPC reply, The valid value of code is 0 - 255, where 0 means success, and other values mean failure, where vsoa.code contains the following failure values, and the user-defined failure value is recommended to be 128 ~ 254.

Status CodeValue

cli.datagram(url, payload[, quick])

  • url {String} This datagram URL.
  • payload {Object} This reply payload data.
    • param {Object | String} Parameters of this datagram. Optional.
    • data {Buffer} Data for this datagram. Optional.
    • offset {Integer} If data exists, this member indicates the offset of data. Optional.
    • length {Integer} If data exists, this member indicates the length of data. Optional.
  • quick {Boolean} Whether to use the quick channel. default: false.

Send a DATAGRAM packet to the client.


  • idle {Integer} Idle time in milliseconds.

Set a connection keep alive timer for this remote client, when it fails 3 times in a row, the client connection is considered disconnected.


var server = new vsoa.Server(...);

server.onclient = function(cli, connect) {
  if (connect) {


  • prio {Integer} New priority.

Set the specified remote client priority, the allowed priority range is 0 ~ 5, 0 is the lowest priority, 5 is the highest priority, and the initial priority of each client is 0. The priority controls the order in which the publish is sent, and the underlying network packet QoS, please set according to the situation.


var server = new vsoa.Server(...);

server.onclient = function(cli, connect) {
  if (connect) {
    // If this client is an important client.


  • timeout {Integer | Undefined} Set network send timeout(ms).

Set the client packet sending timeout, the default is server global send timeout setting (500 ms) in JSRE. NodeJS does not have a send timeout setting by default.

VSOA Remote Client Event

The VSOA remote client object inherits from EventEmitter, and the on() method can be used to listen the following event.


  • url {String | Array} Subscribe URL.

This client is subscribed to the specified URL event.


  • url {String | Array | Null} Unsubscribe URL.

This client is unsubscribed to the specified URL event. If the URL is null, it means unsubscribe from all events.

VSOA Client Class

new vsoa.Client([opt])

  • opt {Object} Client options.

Create a VSOA client, if you need a connection password, you can specify it in opt.passwd.

opt can also contain the following members:

  • pingInterval {Integer} Ping interval time, must be greater than 10ms. Optional.
  • pingTimeout {Integer} Ping timeout, must be less or equal than pingInterval default: same as pingInterval. Optional.
  • pingLost {Integer} How many consecutive ping timeouts will drop the connection. default: 3.
  • pingTurbo {Integer} Fast ping period. must be less or equal than pingInterval, pingInterval should be an integer multiple of pingTurbo. Optional.

If you set pingInterval, after the client connects to the server, it will immediately start periodic ping operations, and always check the communication link and whether the server is normal.

If the client does not need to automatically parse the JSON in the payload, you can set the following options:

  • rawParam {Boolean} Whether to automatically parse the JSON in the payload. Only valid for RPC, PUBLISH and DATAGRAM packet. default: false.


var client1 = new vsoa.Client();
var client2 = new vsoa.Client({ passwd: '123456' });
var client3 = new vsoa.Client({ passwd: '123456', pingInterval: 5000, pingTimeout: 3000, pingLost: 5 });

When there is an RPC call pending, and if there is data packet loss, and the client and server need to do their best to perform TCP fast retransmission at this time, you can set this pingTurbo parameter, the minimum value is 25ms. 0 means disable turbo ping.


var client4 = new vsoa.Client({ passwd: '123456', pingInterval: 5000, pingTimeout: 3000, pingLost: 5, `pingTurbo`: 200 });

VSOA Client Object

client.connect(saddr[, callback][, tlsOpt][, timeout])

  • saddr {Object} Server socket address.
  • callback {Function} Connection result callback function. Optional.
    • error {Error} Specify error message when connection error.
    • info {Object | String} Server information obtained when the connection is successful.
  • tlsOpt {Object} TLS security configuration. Optional.
  • timeout {Integer} Connection timeout. default: 10000ms.

Connect to the specified VSOA server.

saddr is the server address, it needs to contain the following members:

  • domain {Integer} Address domain. Refer to tcp or socket module.
  • addr {String} IP address.
  • port {Integer} TCP port.

If the server is a secure connection server, you need to set the tlsOpt parameter, please refer to the tls module description.


var Tcp = require('tcp');
var saddr = Tcp.sockaddr('', 3000);
var client = new vsoa.Client();

client.connect(saddr, function(error, info) {
  if (error) {
    console.error('Connect error:', error);
    if (error.status) {
      console.error('Error status code:', error.status);
  } else {
    console.log('Connect OK server info:', JSON.stringify(info));

client.connect(url[, callback][, tlsOpt][, timeout])

  • url {String} Server URL.
  • callback {Function} Connection result callback function.
    • error {Error} Specify error message when connection error.
    • info {Object | String} Server information obtained when the connection is successful.
  • tlsOpt {Object} TLS security configuration.
  • timeout {Integer} Connection timeout. default: 10000ms.

Connect to the specified VSOA server.


var client = new vsoa.Client();

client.connect('vsoa://vsoa.acoinfo.com', function(error, info) {
  if (error) {
    console.error('Connect error:', error);
    if (error.status) {
      console.error('Error status code:', error.status);
  } else {
    console.log('Connect OK server info:', JSON.stringify(info));


Close the current client. After this client is closed, it is allowed to call the client.connect method to reconnect to the server.

client.ping([callback[, timeout]])

  • callback {Function} Ping reply callback.
    • error {Error} If an error occurs, specify the error message and error status.
  • timeout {Integer} Response timeout. default: 60000ms.

Use Ping / Echo mechanism to check whether the server connection is normal.


client.ping(function(error) {
  if (error) {
    // connection lost, reconnect...

Under normal circumstances, TCP connection disconnection can be obtained by listening to the client's 'error' event, and periodic Ping operations can detect physical connection failure errors.

client.subscribe(url[, callback[, timeout]])

  • url {String | Array} Events that need to be subscribed.
  • callback {Function} Subscription results.
    • error {Error} If there is an error, indicate the error message and error status.
  • timeout Timeout. default: 60000ms.

Subscribe to the specified event (URL), when the server sends the corresponding event, the Client can receive the event.

url indicates the event, VSOA event matching is prefix matching, for example, when the client subscribes to the '/a/b/' event, then the '/a/b' or '/a/b/c' event can be received.


client.on('message', function(url, payload) {
  console.log('Received URL:', url, JSON.stringify(payload));

// Single subscription
client.subscribe('/a', function(error) {
  if (error) {
    console.error('Subscribe error', error);

// Multi subscription
client.subscribe(['/a', '/b', '/c'], function(error) {
  if (error) {
    console.error('Subscribe error', error);

Subscribe URL match rules

PATHSubscribe match rules
"/"Catch all publish message.
"/a/b/c"Only catch "/a/b/c" publish message.
"/a/b/c/"Catch "/a/b/c" and "/a/b/c/..." all publish message.

client.unsubscribe([url[, callback[, timeout]]])

  • url {String | Array | Null} Events that need to be unsubscribed.
  • callback {Function} Unsubscription results.
    • error {Error} If there is an error, indicate the error message and error status.
  • timeout Timeout. default: 60000ms.

Unsubscribe the specified event, if url is null, unsubscribe all events.

client.call(url[, opt[, payload]][, callback[, timeout]])

  • url {String} RPC command url.
  • opt {Object} RPC options.
    • method {Integer | String} RPC method. default: vsoa.method.GET.
  • payload {Object} RPC payload. Optional.
  • callback {Function} RPC callback function.
    • error {Error} If there is an error, indicate the error message and error status.
    • payload {Object} Server reply payload. Optional.
    • tunid {Integer} Server reply tunnel stream id. Optional.
  • timeout {Integer} Timeout. default: 60000ms.

Make an RPC call. The value of opt.method is vsoa.method.GET or vsoa.method.SET. Version 1.5.0 or above supports string type, and the value is 'SET' or 'GET'.

The payload is the message payload, and the payload contains the following members:

  • param {Object | String} Parameters of this message. Optional.
  • data {Buffer} Data for this message. Optional.
  • offset {Integer} If data exists, this member indicates the offset of data. Optional.
  • length {Integer} If data exists, this member indicates the length of data. Optional.


  • Simple call
client.call('/a/b/c', function(error) {
  if (error) {
    console.error('RPC call error:', error);
    if (error.status) {
      console.error('Error status code:', error.status);
  • Setting
client.call('/a/b/c', { method: vsoa.method.SET }, {
  param: { hello: 'hello' }
}, function(error) {
  if (error) {
    console.error('RPC call error:', error);
    if (error.status) {
      console.error('Error status code:', error.status);
  • Get stream data
client.call('/a/b/c', function(error, payload, tunid) {
  if (tunid) {
    var stream = client.createStream(tunid);

    stream.on('data', (chunk) => {
      console.log('RECV:', chunk.toString('hex'));

    stream.on('timeout', () => {
      console.log('Stream connect error!');

The error generated by the client If error.message is 'status', you can get the status code returned by the server through error.status.


if (error.message === 'status') {
// Or
if (error.status) {

async client.fetch(url[, opt[, payload]][, timeout])

  • url {String} RPC command url.
  • opt {Object} RPC options. (No payload can be omitted)
    • method {Integer | String} RPC method. default: vsoa.method.GET.
  • payload {Object} RPC payload. Optional.
  • timeout {Integer} Timeout. default: 60000ms.
  • Returns: {Object} Promise result.

Make an RPC call with asynchronous mode. Normally, the return value object contains the following members:

  • payload {Object} Server reply payload. Optional.
  • tunid {Integer} Server reply tunnel stream id. Optional.

If an error occurs, an exception is thrown, and the .status member of the error object can be detected to obtain the error code returned by the server. If there is a payload when the error occurs, the .payload member of the error object saves the payload information returned by the server.

The value of opt.method is vsoa.method.GET or vsoa.method.SET. Version 1.5.0 or above supports string type, and the value is 'SET' or 'GET'.


async function test() {
  try {
    var { payload, tunid } = await client.fetch('/a/b/c');
  } catch (error) {
    return console.error(error.message, error.status, error.payload);
// Or:
client.fetch('/a/b/c').then((payload, tunid) => {
}, error => console.error(error.message, error.status));

client.datagram(url, payload[, quick])

  • url {String} Datagram url.
  • payload {Object} Payload.
  • quick {Boolean} Whether use quick channel. default: false.

Client sends DATAGRAM packet to server. This communication server does not confirm and does not guarantee successful communication.

client.createStream(tunid[, timeout])

  • tunid {Integer} Server tunnel stream id.
  • timeout {Integer} Timeout. default: 10000ms.
  • Returns: {Stream.Duplex} Duplex stream.

Create a stream to connect with server stream, this object has inherited from Stream.Duplex, you can refer to the Stream related documents for operation.

The members of this stream object extending Stream.Duplex object are as follows:

  • close {Function} Close this stream.

In addition to the events defined by the standard Stream.Duplex, this object also generates the following additional events:

  • 'timeout' When the server stream does not connect the server stream connection request within the specified timeout period, the 'timeout' event will be generated at this time, and the stream will be automatically closed at the same time.
  • 'connect' This event is generated when the client stream successfully connects with the server stream.


  • timeout {Integer | Undefined} Set network send timeout(ms).

Set the client packet sending timeout, the default waiting for the sending buffer to be valid is 100 ms in JSRE. NodeJS does not have a send timeout setting by default.

VSOA Client Events

The VSOA client object inherits from EventEmitter, and the on() method can be used to listen the following event.


  • url {String} Server event URL.
  • payload {Object} Server event payload. Optional.
  • quick {Boolean} Is it a quick publish message.

For events published by the server, if this client subscribes to the relevant URL, then when the server publishes the corresponding event, this client will be received.


client.on('message', function(url, payload, quick) {
  console.log('Event', url, 'received');


  • url {String} Server datagram URL.
  • payload {Object} Server datagram payload.
  • quick {Boolean} Whether this datagram comes from the quick channel.

The client receives the DATAGRAM packet sent by the server.


  • url {String | Array} Server event URL.

This client successfully subscribed to the specified event.


client.on('subscribe', function(url) {
  console.log('Event', url, 'subscribed');


  • url {String | Array | Null} Server event URL.

This client successfully unsubscribed from the specified event. If null, the client unsubscribe all subscriptions.


  • info {Object | String} Server information.

This client successfully connected to the server.


client.on('connect', function(info) {
  console.log('Connect to server success:', JSON.stringify(info));


  • error {Error} Error message.

When the client generates an error, it will receive this event. When receiving this event, the user can call client.close to close the client, and the client object can be call client.connect again.


client.on('error', function(error) {
  console.log('Client error:', error);

The possible errors are as follows:

Error MessageHas StatusDescription
'no responding'Server is not responding
'status'Server responded with an error status
'ping timeout'Periodic automatic ping timeout
'send timeout'Send timeout
'no network'Server connection lost
'no connection'Network is not connected
'insufficient resources'Insufficient network resources
'parser failed'Packet parser error
'closed'Client is closed

VSOA Regulator Class

VSOA regulator provides the function of changing the speed of client subscription data. For example, the server publish period is 100ms, and the regulator can slow down the speed to receive once every 1000ms.

new vsoa.Regulator(client, period)

  • client {VsoaClient} VSOA client object.
  • period {Integer} Fastest update period.
  • Returns: {Object} VSOA regulator object.

Create a VSOA regulator, period cannot be less than 1ms.


var regulator = new vsoa.Regulator(client, 1000);

vsoa.Regulator.slot(client, period, url)

  • client {VsoaClient} VSOA client object.
  • period {Integer} Fastest update period.
  • url {String} Legal URL string.
  • Returns: {Object} VSOA regulator object.

This function is equivalent to the following code:

function(client, period, url) {
  var regulator = new Regulator(client, period);
  return regulator;

VSOA Regulator Object


Close VSOA regulator. This object cannot be used again.


  • url {String} Legal URL string.
  • Returns: {Object} VSOA regulator object.

Set a URL that needs to be changed. This URL can be a precise URL or a wildcard URL.


  • url {String} Legal URL string.
  • Returns: {Object} VSOA regulator object.

Delete a URL that regulator.slot() has been called before.

For example, the server '/foo' url publishes very quickly, and we need to reduce the speed to 1s. You can use the following code:

var regulator = new vsoa.Regulator(client, 1000);

regulator.slot('/foo').on('message', (url, payload, quick) => {
  // The frequency here is called at most once every 1 second.

If you need to speed down the publish reception of all URLs starting with '/foo', you can use '/foo/' as the slot url.


  • period {Integer} New fastest update period.
  • Returns: {Object} VSOA regulator object.

Change the period parameter of regulator.

VSOA Regulator Events

The VSOA regulator object inherits from EventEmitter, and the on() method can be used to listen the following event.


  • url {String} Server event URL.
  • payload {Object} Server event payload. Optional.
  • quick {Boolean} Is it a quick publish message.

After changing the speed of the publish message event, developers do not need to repeatedly listen to the client’s message event.

VSOA Proxy Class

VSOA proxy provides a multi-server proxy function, which can abstract multiple microservices into one microservice entry.

new vsoa.Proxy([opt])

  • opt {Object} Server configuration.
  • Returns: {Object} VSOA proxy object.

Create a VSOA server for proxying, opt is an argument to new vsoa.Server().

VSOA Proxy Object


Close VSOA proxy.

proxy.start(saddr[, tlsOpt])

  • saddr {Object} Server socket address.
  • tlsOpt {Object} TLS security configuration. Optional.

Start the proxy server.

proxy.add(prefix, opt, saddr[, tlsOpt])

  • prefix {String} Path prefixes starting with '/'.
  • opt {Object} Options for connecting to remote servers.
  • saddr {Object | String} Remote server socket address or domain name.
  • tlsOpt {Object} TLS security configuration. Optional.

Create a proxy rule. The optional parameters of opt are as follows:

  • passwd {String} Remote server password.
  • pingInterval {Integer} Ping interval time, must be greater than 10ms. Optional.
  • pingTimeout {Integer} Ping timeout, must be less than pingInterval default: half of pingInterval. Optional.
  • pingLost {Integer} How many consecutive ping timeouts will drop the connection. default: 3.
  • timeout {Integer} RPC call timeout.


var proxy = new vsoa.Proxy();

// Start
proxy.start(Tcp.sockaddr(Tcp.INADDR_ANY, 3000));

// Add rule
proxy.add('/s1', { timeout: 5000 }, 'vsoa://s1');
proxy.add('/s2', { timeout: 5000 }, 'vsoa://s2');


  • prefix {String} Path prefixes starting with '/'.

Delete an added rule.



VSOA Position Server Class

VSOA Position Server provides the function of querying VSOA server address by service name, similar to DNS server.

new vsoa.Position(table, saddr)

  • table {Array} Server address table.
  • saddr {Object} Position server socket address.
  • Returns: {Object} Position server object.

To create a VSOA Position Server, each item of the table array needs to meet the following requirements:

  • name {String} VSOA server name.
  • domain {Integer} Address domain Refer to tcp or socket module.
  • addr {String} IP address.
  • port {Integer} TCP port.
  • security {Boolean} Whether the server is a TLS secure connection.


var position = new vsoa.Position([
  { name: 's1', domain: 2, addr: '', port: 1000, security: false },
  { name: 's2', domain: 2, addr: '', port: 2000, security: false },
  { name: 's3', domain: 2, addr: '', port: 3000, security: false },
], { domain: 2, addr: '', port: 1234 });
// Or
var position = new vsoa.Position([], {
  domain: 2, addr: '', port: 1234

VSOA Position Server Object


Start the VSOA position server.


Stop the VSOA position server.


Close the postion server, this object can no longer be used after the server is closed.


  • {Function}

This function will be called when the VSOA server cannot be found in the initialization table of the position server. The arguments of this callback function are as follows:

  • name {String} The name of the VSOA server to be queried.
  • domain {Integer} Query the server address of the specified domain. undefined means any domain.
  • callback {Function} Query result callback.
    • res {Object} Query result undefined means not found.


position.onquery = function(name, domain, callback) {
  if (name === 's1') {
      domain: 2, addr: '', port: 1000, security: false
  } else {

VSOA Position Query


  • saddr {Object} Position server address.

Set the VSOA position query server address, and subsequent query operations will use this address for query.

If position server is specified, only the specified server will be queried, If the position server address has not been specified, this function will first use the environment variable VSOA_POS_SERVER to query, if not found, it will use the server query configured in /etc/vsoa.pos (C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\vsoa.pos in Windows).

vsoa.lookup(name, callback[, domain])

  • name {String} VSOA server name.
  • callback {Function} Query callback.
    • error {Error} Error message.
    • saddr {Object} VSOA server socket address.
  • domain {Integer} Query the server address of the specified domain. default: any domain.

Query the network socket address corresponding to a VSOA service.


vsoa.lookup('s1', function(error, saddr) {
  if (saddr) {
    console.log('VSOA Server s1 address:', JSON.stringify(saddr));

VSOA Status Code

Similar to HTTP, the server responds with a status code to the client.


  • {Array}

VSOA status code, the valid value of code is 0 ~ 255, where 0 means success, and other values mean failure, where vsoa.code contains the following failure values, and the user-defined failure value is recommended to be 128 ~ 254.

Status CodeValueDescription
vsoa.code.SUCCESS0Call succeeded
vsoa.code.PASSWORD1Wrong password
vsoa.code.ARGUMENTS2Parameter error
vsoa.code.INVALID_URL3Invalid URL
vsoa.code.NO_RESPONDING4Server not responding
vsoa.code.NO_PERMISSIONS5No permission
vsoa.code.NO_MEMORY6Out of memory
vsoa.code.PROXY7Proxy error (payload.param.error indicates the error message)


Similar to HTTP, the client requests the server with the method parameter.


  • {Integer}

VSOA Single Remote Call

async vsoa.fetch(url[, opt[, payload]][, timeout])

  • url {String} RPC command url.
  • opt {Object} RPC options.
    • method {Integer | String} RPC method. default: vsoa.method.GET.
    • passwd {String} Server password. default: no password.
    • tlsOpt {Object} TLS security configuration. Optional.
  • payload {Object} RPC payload. Optional.
  • timeout {Integer} Timeout. default: 60000ms.
  • Returns: {Object} Promise result.

Make an RPC call with asynchronous mode. Normally, the return value object contains the following members:

  • payload {Object} Server reply payload. Optional.
  • tunid {Integer} Server reply tunnel stream id. Optional.
  • info {Object | String} Server information.

If an error occurs, an exception is thrown, and the .status member of the error object can be detected to obtain the error code returned by the server.

The value of opt.method is vsoa.method.GET or vsoa.method.SET. Version 1.5.0 or above supports string type, and the value is 'SET' or 'GET'.


// Fetch server /foo data
vsoa.fetch('vsoa://vsoa.example.com/foo').then(result => {
  console.info('Fetch /foo OK:', JSON.stringify(result));
}).catch(error => {
  console.error('Fetch /foo ERROR:', error.message, error.status);
// Or:
async function test() {
  var result = await vsoa.fetch('vsoa://vsoa.example.com/foo', { passwd: '123456' });
  console.info('Fetch /foo OK:', JSON.stringify(result));